ChatGPT dazzles daily users, but transformational AI remains beyond most developers’ reach. Toronto startup Cohere changes that by condensing robust models into easy tools amplifying enterprises’ apps.

Its self-service platform lets any coder integrate language features like conversation, search, writing and content filtering via simple API calls. So rather than requiring ML expertise, companies big and small can now embed AI’s magic across experiences at will.

The versatility caught Google Cloud’s eye, which tapped Cohere to power delights like its new Bard search assistant. Recent funding also fuels scaling and new products putting text generation directly into customer hands.

Yet hazards loom as AI proliferates. While Cohere focuses narrowly on business use cases, its technology could enable manipulation at scale if mishandled. And the ethical stakes only grow as systems progress.

Still, by democratizing access to what only Big Tech previously controlled, Cohere drives progress responsibly. Expect even more daily interfaces soon effortlessly augmented through its gateway to emerging intelligence.